You have seen or heard about the
hit TV shows ‘The Walking Dead’ and as the series has progressed they have been
getting closer and closer to setting up a civilization and learning to live in
this zombie infested world these survivors call home.
Life in a zombie apocalypse is
tough. It’s all blood, sweat and fears battling walkers and people, and the
characters hardly ever catch a break. And if being bitten by zombies isn’t enough
now sickness is just another problem added to the list of dilemmas the
survivors have to worry about.
And while it’s exciting to see the
hacking and slashing of decaying walkers or the facing off against human foes,
struggling with a virus, it allows for a real look at characters. It’s a
quieter way to expose certain truths like Tyreese’s anger, Carl’s
responsibility or the big drop at the end of this episode, Carol willing to do
whatever it takes to survive.
It’s an interesting direction for
the series, a positive one, and The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 3 took full
advantage. A Plague has started and so the isolation has begun. The isolation
being that the group and their newly found Woodbury cohorts have to be
separated into groups of infected, non-infected and dead.
Isolation takes place immediately
at the conclusion of last week's episode (read or watch a recap of last week's
episode 'Infected' to catch up). A group of non-infected survivors with shovels
led by Maggie and Glenn are digging graves for those who have already died from
the disease.
Tyreese loses it with Daryl and
Rick after finding his girl Karen and David burned to death in last week's
conclusion. When Rick tries to calm him, he starts punching Rick in the head.
Daryl grabs Tyreese from behind and pins his arms to stop his beating, but
after being momentarily being stunned by the attack, Rick gets his crazy on and
cheap shots Tyreese. He then proceeds to start pummeling him into a pulp
uncontrollably. He would have killed him if Daryl hadn't pull him off. Those
long months of gardening hasn't quite cured his crazy tendencies. I can
understand how distraught Tyreese is, though. In a world where zombies far
outnumber humans, it's almost impossible to find a girl like Karen to help him
make it through just one more night. I'd be salty too is my one thing connecting
me to normal life died. Unfortunately,
Tyreese’s problems kept on going with his sister Sasha getting sick. It was
enjoyable to witness the care and concern for her.
Really, that’s all anyone can do at
this point with the prison plague continuing to spread. It’s seemed to have
infected most of the new survivors that we care little for since we don’t know
them well, but also Glenn and Sasha. And I like that possibility that either of
those two could meet their demise not in a blaze of glory bashing zombies until
their demises is inevitable, but the writers saw fit to give them a quite
glorified death.
The council meeting has also
started (Hershel, Michonne, Carol, Glenn and Daryl) and Hershel goes over the
dire situation they are in and his conclusion is that they need antibiotics and
fast. There's a veterinarian college about fifty miles away and it's their best
chance to find some so Daryl and Michonne volunteer to go.
Rick tells Carl to stay isolated
with the other kids and to watch their backs. Carl patrols the halls and finds
Hershel trying to leave the compound. Carl suddenly acts like the grown up
again and cautions him about going out of the prison alone. During this virus
crisis, Hershel is being made to feel old and unimportant and he's not liking
Overall this episode has been about
the ‘Isolation’ of all the survivors based off their health. Tensions are rising
as people are going further and further to survive, causing fights, and future
problems for the group.
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